Functional Behavior Assessment

Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) in the School

When it comes to helping children with challenging behaviors, the IEP team shouldn’t waste time developing supports by throwing random strategies at the wall to see what sticks. Instead, a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) can help the team pinpoint the underlying reasons for your child’s behavior, creating a plan that hits the bullseye.


An FBA is the key to understanding why a child engages in specific behaviors. It gathers detailed information about the relationship between the environment and behavior, allowing the team to develop targeted, effective supports. With an FBA, the strategies in your child’s Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) are more likely to succeed, saving valuable time and resources.


Let’s explore how the FBA process works, why it’s essential, and what you need to know to ensure it meets your child’s needs.

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Getting to Know the FBA

  • What an FBA is: A process, not a test, focused on understanding how a child’s behavior interacts with their surroundings.
  • The role of the assessor: The quality of the FBA depends on the assessor’s training and understanding of behavior-environment connections.
  • Key areas to review: Ensure the FBA includes detailed data and analysis to support the development of an effective behavior intervention plan.
  • Why it matters: A well-conducted FBA lays the foundation for meaningful strategies to support your child’s success.

What is an FBA?

An FBA is a process designed to identify the reasons behind a child’s challenging behaviors. By analyzing how the environment influences behavior, the FBA provides valuable insights that guide the development of effective interventions.


Unlike a traditional test, an FBA involves collecting detailed data about the child’s behavior, the events leading up to it (antecedents), and the outcomes that follow (consequences). This process helps identify the function, or purpose, of the behavior—whether it’s to gain attention, avoid a task, or fulfill another need.

An FBA is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s a process designed to identify the function—or purpose—of your child’s behavior by analyzing their environment and the factors influencing their actions. This includes examining:

  • Antecedents: What happens before the behavior.
  • Behavior: The specific actions your child takes.
  • Consequences: What happens after the behavior.

For example, if your child disrupts the class by shouting during math, an FBA might reveal they are trying to avoid a task that feels overwhelming. With this information, the team can develop strategies that address the root cause rather than guessing at solutions.

Why is the Assessor's Training Important?

The quality of an FBA depends largely on the expertise of the person conducting it. Assessors, such as Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) or school psychologists, must have specialized training in behavior analysis. They need to understand how behavior interacts with the environment and know how to collect, interpret, and analyze data effectively.

An experienced assessor ensures the FBA provides meaningful insights that can inform the development of a behavior intervention plan (BIP). Without this expertise, the FBA might miss critical details, leading to less effective interventions.

Functional Behavior Assessment

Key Areas to Review in an FBA

As a parent, it’s important to know what to look for when reviewing an FBA. Here are some key areas to focus on:

  • Clear Identification of the Behavior: The behavior should be described in specific, measurable terms. For example, instead of saying, “acts out in class,” the FBA should state, “throws objects when asked to complete a task.”
  • Comprehensive Data Collection: The FBA should include observations, interviews with teachers and parents, and ABC (Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence) data to identify patterns.
  • Analysis of Behavior Patterns: The report should clearly explain the triggers, behaviors, and outcomes observed during data collection.
  • Function Statements: These should outline the hypothesized purpose of the behavior, such as avoiding a task or gaining attention.
  • Actionable Recommendations: The FBA should provide specific strategies for preventing the behavior, teaching replacement behaviors, and reinforcing positive actions.

By reviewing these areas, you can determine if the FBA provides the critical information needed to create a meaningful BIP.

The FBA Process: Step-by-Step

To help you better understand how an FBA works, let’s break down the process:

  1. Identify the Behavior
    The first step is to clearly define the behavior of concern. This involves describing it in detail so the team knows exactly what they’re addressing. For example, instead of saying, “disruptive in class,” the description might be, “yells out answers during quiet work time.”

  2. Collect Data
    The team gathers data through observations, interviews, and ABC data collection. Observing the child in different settings, such as the classroom and playground, helps identify patterns.

  3. Analyze the Data
    The collected data is reviewed to find consistent triggers and outcomes for the behavior. For example, if the child leaves their seat when a lengthy and difficult assignment is presented, it might indicate they are trying to escape a challenging task. If they do it more often in one class because the work task is more likely to be removed or reduced only in that class, you may have evidence of the function of behavior.

  4. Write a Function Statement
    Based on the data, the team writes a function statement that explains the purpose of the behavior. For instance, “When asked to complete a lengthly, unfamiliar academic task, the child refuses by leaving their seat. The function is likely to escape difficult/lengthy tasks.”

  5. Develop Recommendations
    The FBA team provides strategies to address the behavior. These may include:

    • Prevention Strategies: Adjusting the environment to reduce triggers.
    • Replacement Behaviors: Teaching the child appropriate ways to meet the same need.
    • Reinforcement Plans: Encouraging positive behaviors through rewards and support.
    • Response Strategies: Develop a plan for staff response when problem behaviors occur
  6. Review the Findings
    The FBA is typically reviewed with the school team and parents during an ARD (Admission, Review, and Dismissal) meeting. This ensures everyone understands the findings and can contribute to the next steps.

What is an FBA

Why Is an FBA Important?

An FBA provides a roadmap for understanding and addressing your child’s unique needs. Without it, interventions might focus on the wrong behaviors or fail to address the root cause. A well-conducted FBA ensures that the strategies put in place are meaningful, targeted, and likely to succeed.

Your Role as a Parent

Parents play a critical role in the FBA process. Here’s how you can support your child:

  • Share Insights: Provide detailed information about your child’s behavior at home to help the team understand their needs. What has been successful in the past? What have you tried that fell flat? 
  • Participate in Meetings: Attend  ARD meetings to share your perspective and ask questions.
  • Reinforce New Behaviors: Work on the strategies at home to build consistency and help your child succeed.
  • Stay Involved: Behavior plans need updates over time, so stay engaged with the school team to monitor progress.

Next Steps After an FBA

Once the FBA is complete, the next step is creating a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). The BIP uses the information from the FBA to develop a structured plan that addresses your child’s behavior.

A strong BIP includes:

  • Teaching replacement behaviors that serve the same function as the challenging behavior.
  • Adjusting triggers to prevent the behavior.
  • Reinforcing positive behaviors through rewards and encouragement.
  • Monitoring and adjusting the plan as needed.

By following the FBA and BIP process, schools and families can create a supportive environment where children can thrive.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the FBA process empowers you as a parent to advocate for your child’s needs. By focusing on key areas and ensuring the FBA is conducted thoroughly, you can help develop a meaningful plan to support your child’s success at school and beyond.


If you believe your child could benefit from an FBA, don’t hesitate to start the conversation with their school team. Your involvement is a vital part of the process and can make all the difference in creating a positive and lasting impact for your child.

Additional Resources

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